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I think you are too tired to be drunk for you alone; life is very busy and tired, and I really want to sleep peacefully; it's hard to love someone, and I don't have to worry about the right or wrong; God horses are all floating clouds, 520 I love you, this is my oath!

抖音520告白文案 520浪漫甜蜜句子大全[多图]图片1


My love for you is like the surging river, the flood of the Yellow River and the brilliant sunset. I think you love you, I can't do without you, I must get you!


Your eyes blink, I will die, your eyes blink again, I will live, your eyes Keep blinking, so I will die! I love you, momada!


Without you, it's not blue! Without your flowers, they are not gorgeous! Without your meal, it's not delicious! Without your sleep, it's not sweet! Dear, 520 Happy Valentine's day, love your heart will never change!

抖音520告白文案 520浪漫甜蜜句子大全[多图]图片2


520 I love you, the soul of thousands of mountains and rivers, the heart of the ends of the earth depend on each other; 520 I love you, accompany you forever, never leave! Love you, love you, love you forever!


Love is true, meaning is cut, a Acacia when to rest, the moon Ming people lean on the floor. Love is long, think is long, love when just stop, unless the water back flow. 520 watch the day, this life for you never regret!


At the moment of meeting, love makes my face fever; at the moment of meeting, love knocks on my heart door; at the moment of meeting, love lives in my heart. 520, I want to say to you: happy life with you, we spend together in the storm!


On Valentine's day, may happiness be your little one, happiness your old one, sweetness your new one, health your good one, good luck your life's one, dream your forever one, Happy Valentine's Day! Love you, mamada!

抖音520告白文案 520浪漫甜蜜句子大全[多图]图片3


I miss you so much when I don't see you. In my dream, there are always you in my heart. You are the only one who is sincere, facing you and giving you a heart, just because I like you. In a word, I tell you, 520, I love you.


I love you most all my life. Since I met you, I want to get together, I have you in my heart, I love you so much, I love you forever, I love you so much, don't resist, I just want to be with you this life.


Want to be the paintbrush in your hand, write the true meaning of happiness with you; want to be the guiding light in your night, forever guarding you. I just want to tell you that you are the one I love in this life.


Pure youth, pure heart, pure thoughts, pure fate, pure love, in the season of pure fragrance, 520 watch the day, I want to say to you: it's good to have you, I love you, MoMA!



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